I recently finished reading Lagos Noir and in the middle of it, I decided to look up the history of the Noir series. With over 90 titles all named after different cities of the world, I was keen to see which other titles would attract my attention. I wanted to choose the London one but the stories seemed set in the London of the 70s. I wanted something more recent from a city I was familiar with. I finally settled for Sydney Noir. It is nowhere near my favourite city as I do not have particularly fond memories but the reviews seemed very good, so I went for this.

Several times in the past, I have come close to buying Augustown but never got around to it. This time, I did it!

N. T. Wright is a man I have a lot of time for. Not necessarily because our belief systems are similar but because he opens up new vistas of faith thought. Recently, I was listening to an episode of his podcast and the book; Evil and The Justice of God was mentioned. I am always open to Christian books that explore the problem of pain and evil in our world devoid of the blueprint view. So, this one has been added to my little collection of such books.

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